Saturday, March 14, 2009

Reclaim Your Life


I suddenly got thinking, during my morning fast-walk and breakfast about the tagline for TATA SAFARI - 'RECLAIM YOUR LIFE'. The last couple of weeks as I have been in a reflective mood, this line seemed to strike a chord.

So, what do i want? What did I want 5 years back? Or even as a young boy? Obviously those wants have changed but is the core still intact? I wonder...

The sales & marketing professional that I am, I couldn't help think about the vibes this line would create in prospective SUV customers; RECLAIM YOUR LIFE. Isn't an automobile a reflection of your inner self; the go-getter, the follower, the innovator and so on...okay I could go on and on talking sales and cars here... END IT!!

But this line has gotten me thinking of what my inner self actually is? Have I lost it on the wayside as I went through the routine of graduating, working and earning money?

A school mate of mine recently advised me that the best thing to do when alone is to use that precious time to introspect and improve self awareness. A time to discover one's self, ask questions and seek answers. I am trying to take her inputs seriously and do this.


  1. I've always found car commercials very inspiring. Its so lame I tell you but some of us need doses of inspiration all the time.
    There was a Hummer commercial that shows a rugged Hum V go through some intense dirt roads ..and a voiceover that says .."Sometime find yourself in the middle of nowhere .. and sometimes in the middle of nowhere .. You find yourself"
    I still say it to myself all the time.
    So yes Jagan .. Reclaim your life !! :)

  2. J'nathan...the blog is a wonderful idea....all the best!
    you better keep writing, cos i'l be waiting to read more :)
