Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Some random thoughts

I keep thinking and wonder about many are some random thoughts from my collection ;)

Wondered if you have heard (in your ear) the keypad tones on your phone sound different for every different digit dialled? Was that meant to be?

Its true and always works - when you initiate the smile at someone and greet them, they invariably open up and respond...its weird or amazing how often we remain stone faced and don't initiate??!!

Stray dogs (in India I mean) have a way pouncing in front of your car/bike just at the "wrong" come?? A friend once told me that dogs have suicidal tendencies......umm!!??

Many, many old Tamil/Hindi film songs (in the 1960s/70s) in their lyrics touched upon aspects of life, failure, emotions, resilience, philosophy - why don't we see that in today's songs?

I read many a place online that the Dutch are among the happiest people in the world. Having visited Netherlands in recent times, I have actually seen that...they are a very chirpy lot and seem very happy :)

Its funny how at work; if you try hard enough for a while and don't get results, people ask you if its really worth it whereas if you say the same after a shorter while, you are asked if you have tried/put in enough efforts!!?? How much enough is enough!!?? Who measures...ummm! Ross of "Friends" rightly said, "It's all relative"...ain't it??

That's enough randomness for now....Ciao!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Steve...Oh Wow!

My fascination with Steve Jobs began sometime in 2007-8 with seeing Youtube footage of his commencement speech at Stanford 2005. Being the CEO of a legendary firm, and in front of an audience known for their academic prowess, he spoke nothing about corporate world, not about careers, not about professional growth. He spoke of inner drive, passion, life and its significance and all of it with the kind of fervour, impact and conviction only he can. You could see he meant what he said; what he had himself experienced. That's Jobs for you.

I am an even bigger fan of his presentation skills. Watch how he, in this Stanford speech, spells out upfront, "today, I like to share 3 stories from my life - just 3 stories, no big deal" - sets the platform for what the audience is about to get. It is basic but what impact and must have gotten the audience sit up and listen!!!!

I have been seeing some reently uploaded vidoes of Steve (not sure they were up earlier) where he talks about life, failure and I found them to be amazing!!!

It has made me think about life, the walls and perception of life, we live in....very thought provoking! Here's wishing 2012 is more purposeful, fun, refreshing, will open me out, and be truly memorable!